Spanish Course A0 / A1 + A2 INTENSIVE


Course A1 + A2.

This A1 / A2

Regarding grammar, conjugate regular / irregular verbs, reflexives … in the present and past perfect, use the verbs ser and estar, tener, gusta, haber … and the gender of nouns and adjectives, numbers, interrogatives, adverbs, indefinite quantitative ( many, few, enough, several, nothing), of frequency (always, never, sometimes….).

This A2 course is designed for beginners who already have knowledge of Spanish. At this level, students understand basic phrases and expressions. They reach a level where they are able to describe their past experiences (vacations, trips, memories…), as well as to give orders, advise and learn to make plans for the future. Can express feelings, pain future ideas. You will be able to start a conversation in a supermarket and in a restaurant, and also describe my health problems to the doctor… ..In terms of grammar, I understand the Past Perfect Past tense and I know the difference between this tense and the Indefinite Past tense. I can use verbs to express obligations and wishes…

At the end of this level we will also know the past imperfect.

After completing this level, the student will be able to travel to a Spanish-speaking country, request information and have much more developed conversations than in the previous level. (airport, shops, city, restaurants, exchange information with other people …).

2 or 3 classes a week depending on your availability.

The course includes:
Videos, readings, audios…
Grammar and vocabulary cards…

Once you acquire your course you have to download, fill out and send us the following PDF to the

Course content

  • FUTURE (Go to + infinitive and future simple)
  • VOCABULARY (home, professions, city, family, travel, work, food)…. 
  • Story to read
  • Audios, videos and readings